Point Of Sale

EPOS Solutions for Independent & Multiple store retailers

At the tills:

Avery, Herbert and equivalent Weighing Scales
EFT Terminals for integrated Chip-and-Pin transactions
PayPoint pPos Terminals for integrated PayPoint transactions
CashBases “SmartTill” Intelligent Cash Drawers for integrated cash handling
Volumatic Cci Counter Cache Security Devices

At the Back Office PC:

PiccoLink HandHeld Terminals for stock control, ordering, deliveries and pricing
CCTV Security Systems for overlaying till transaction data on CCTV images.

User Group

We host regular User Group Meetings at our Offices in Surrey, where we invite Dealers and End-Users to discuss proposed new features and enhancements. In addition, we welcome suggestions and comments from our Dealers and End-Users at any time.

Custom Software

We are always willing to discuss adapting our software to suit your specific needs, or even creating completely new applications for you.

Independent Stores

For the smaller Store, APOS Control is especially quick-to-learn and easy-to-use. It enables you to do all your work at the till, with no need for a separate backoffice PC. This means that you can run your store from the counter, thus saving you on hardware costs and backoffice space, as well as being very convenient. If required, additional “slave” tills can be added at any time.

APOS Maintain offers greater functionality and management reporting than available in APOS Control. It is ideal for independent Stores with 2 or more tills, as well as for Stores which operate under the oversight of a Head Office running APOS Exchange.

Sales Data Collection

Many Wholesalers will offer “Best Terms” to their Retailers only in return for receiving regular sales data transmissions. Both APOS Control and APOS Maintain can do this entirely automatically, if required. This ensures that the Retailer will be able to enjoy the benefits of “Best Terms” without any effort on his part.